
The dark colors and square shapes represent the analytical characteristic while the lighter colors and slight roundedness of the shape corners hint at growth and learning and an openness. The typeface for the logo and was chosen for its classic look and the way its handwritten style matches with the style of my own cursive which was used to sketch the original logo.

dark green logo with light green letter a

The Primary logo should be used whenever possible across all branding needs. Accessibility standards should determine if an alternative iteration of the logo is better suited on a case by case basis.

dark green logo with light green letter a

The Inverse logo should be used in instances where the website background is too dark for proper contrast between the logo and the page behind it.

dark green logo with light green letter a
B + W

The Black and White logo should be used when logo is being printed or where a high contrast logo is needed on a light background.

dark green logo with light green letter a
Inverse B + W

The Inverse Black and White logo should be used when logo is being printed or where a high contrast logo is needed on a dark background.

dark green logo with light green letter a

This is the only Favicon that should be used.