The typography hierarchy for this design system contains two typefaces : sans serif type face IBM Plex Sans and serif typeface Noto Serif. Noto Serif is used for all h1 – h5 elements. IBM Plex Sans is used for all body elements. The typography hierarchy uses a Major Third scale with a base font size of 16px.
H1 heading size
font-family : Noto Serif; font-size : 3.052rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;
H2 heading size
font-family : Noto Serif; font-size : 2.441rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;
H3 heading size
font-family : Noto Serif; font-size : 1.953rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;
H4 heading size
font-family : Noto Serif; font-size : 1.563rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;
H5 heading size
font-family : Noto Serif; font-size : 1.25rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;
Body text size
font-family : IBM Plex Sans; font-size : 1rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;
Emphasis style text
font-family : IBM Plex Sans; font-size : 1rem; font-weight : 700; font-style : normal;
font-family : IBM Plex Sans; font-size : 1rem; font-weight : 400; font-style : normal;